To log in or register:
1. Please go to or if a sign has been posted just
scan the QR code like below:
2. Below is a brief description and graphic of our login screen.
- You should see your city listed at the top with the "Change in small letters. If your city is not listed, click on "Change" and select the correct city.
- To login just enter your email address and a password, then click "Let's GO!".
- To create an account just click on "Register". You will then need to enter your email address, a password, username and select "Submit" at the bottom of the page.
3. If you already have an account, please enter your email address and password, click "Let's Go!"
After Logging in:
You will see tiles associated with you. As an admin for a group will see at least three tiles. You will see your individual tile, your group user's tile and the admin tile. below is an example.
To log out just click on the arrow on top left part of your screen.
Entering data into the Organization.
Once you have logged in and selected the Admin Tile you will have many options to choose.
First if your city has chosen Pay to Play and charges for facilities you will need to add your groups payment method into the system.
The following tile will open Select the "payment Methods" and fill-in the required information.
Select "Verify Card" Then click on submit after card has verified.
Controlling lights:
The lights for a schedule has three start settings
1. Manual on - Lights have to have user intervention to turn on. They can be turned off at any time but will turn off automatically when the schedule reaches an end.
2. Automatic on - Lights will turn on automatically at the start of the schedule. They can be turned off at any time but will turn off automatically when the schedule reaches an end.
3. Sunset - Lights will turn on automatically at sunset or the start of the reservation which ever is later in time. They can be turned off at any time but will turn off automatically when the schedule reaches an end. If the schedule time is before sunset the lights can be turned on manually before sunset.
If you are a member of a organization(s) you will have a tile for each organization. Below is an example:
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